If you are an FBA member, welcome home! If you are a visitor, we’re happy to have you. In either case, you can use our website to learn about what we do, register for our events, and share your thoughts about how to better the practice of federal law in San Antonio and throughout our great nation.
The Federal Bar Association’s mission is to strengthen the federal legal system and the administration of justice by serving the interests and needs of the federal practitioner, both public and private, the federal judiciary, and the public they serve. As a Chapter of the national organization, we host monthly luncheons featuring speakers on a variety of cutting edge topics, sponsor legal seminars, provide academic awards and scholarships in pertinent areas of federal practice, and reach out to the San Antonio community with a variety of law-related activities.
Interested in joining the FBA? Click the Membership tab to learn more.
Welcome your new Officers and Directors! They are listed here, in this correspondence from John F. Paniszczyn, Chair of the Nominations Committee. They were elected on June 14 and their terms have begun.
Thank you for browsing our website. We look forward to seeing you at our events!